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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sweet Dreams?

As I write this, Hannah has just fallen asleep.

That might not sound like blog-worthy news. But right now it feels like it to me! Let me explain...

In Hannah's first few weeks, I think we would have classified Hannah as a baby with a 'sleeping problem.' Not able to sleep without considerable carrying, waking up frequently, etc. Then after a couple of months (and up to a few days ago) we considered Hannah to be a 'good sleeper' - especially compared to some nightmare stories we heard of some people's babies. She could actually sleep a solid 10 hours every so often. And then things changed.

Hannah has always enjoyed being carried when she wants to sleep. But three days ago she insisted on being carried UNTIL she fell asleep, and that meant about half an hour of carrying/rocking 10kg's worth of baby. Two days ago she insisted on the SAME treatment. Thus, a new habit began to develop. Yesterday she insisted on the same treatment AGAIN. At the same time, her daytime naps had also got more difficult. But this time Daddy was getting tired, and getting worried about the new sleeping trend. And so ensued a "battle of wills" as Hannah did her best (screaming, throwing things, crying, choking) to win sympathy while Daddy did his best to ignore her. The result was, after a LONG time Daddy managed to pacify Hannah while sitting next to her cot and without laying a finger on her. After a few more minutes, an exhausted little girl fell sleep. Ah-ha. Hope for a better way.

So, tonight, Hannah tried to be carried again - but without as much conviction as the night before. And Daddy stuck to his new plan. It took more than 45 minutes sat next to her cot, but she did fall asleep - and with less fuss than the night before.

Given our concern about her sudden change in sleeping habits, I decided to do a bit of internet research, and found this rather neat Johnson's Baby-sponsored site that produces a "Customized sleeping profile" for your baby, complete with practical tailor-made recommendations for improving your baby's sleep.

You can try it out here:

Some tips I picked up

  • Her sleep patterns are not entirely unusual for babies of her age - an encouragement!
  • We should move Hannah from 2 naps per day to just 1, and plan it in the early afternoon.
  • We shouldn't put Hannah's pacifier in her mouth for her (she always sleeps with a pacifier!) - rather, put it in the cot and let her pick it up so she doesn't depend on someone to do it for her (e.g. in the middle of the night when it falls out and she wakes up)

I hope you find something useful on the website, too.

Good night, and sleep well.


Philip and Sandy said...
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Philip and Sandy said...


Maybe babies are all the same afterall or when it comes to mixed heritage babies they tend to behave the same? Zoey went through that phase last year (but the difference is that she has never been a good sleeper!) and like Chris, Philip did the same and sat next to her cot for several days despite all the screaming and crying. Z eventually got the idea and gave up her cunning schemes. Of course, I dont think I will succeed if I were to do it, couldnt bear seeing her face covered with tears. Anyway, she no longer sleeps in a cot, we moved her to a proper bed few months after her 1st birthday. It works fine and also she only takes one nap a day instead of two. Now we can give her a hug and say good night peacefully with some flying kisses.

p/s: however, she still wakes up in the middle of the night to go to the loo. So for Hannah to have a solid 10 hour sleep is an added bonus to you two.

C&C said...

Well, thank God for patient Daddies (& husbands)!

I can't quite imagine Hannah sleeping in a bed yet, since she tends to engage in a considerate amount of cot gymnastics before falling asleep.

Is Zoey potty trained already?!

Philip and Sandy said...

Yes! She is indeed ! Hurrah ! A week after we came back from Malaysia we decided to take her off the night nappy as well. We had a few accidents -which means we have to change her bedsheets, duvet cover..etc at 3 in the morning! Anyway, it is worth it as we not only save on the money we would normally spend on her disposable nappies but at least she doing a bit for the environment.

Unknown said...

I have enough trouble putting myself to sleep some days. Maybe I should try a different sleep pattern...*grin* Hannah sounds adorable (I'm sure Chris wouldn't have appreciated this during those endless battle of the wills). Love the pictures :)