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Sunday, June 07, 2009

The latest signs of growing up

Above is a collage of images representing what Hannah has overcome in the last couple of months. We are very proud parents of an almost-three-year-old girl.

1. She stopped wearing diapers quite a long time ago, and we took the bold step (actually, she was the one that took the step, insisting that she didn't want them) of not giving her nighttime diapers about a month ago. Only two wet beds since then. (Hey, nobody's perfect.)

2. Rather suddenly, she decided medicine was all right. Following a nasty cold Cindy started Hannah on anti-biotics. The medicine was pink and sweet but it took a colossal battle to get her to even let it touch her lips. But when she did, she just totally changed. Since then, she has had about three other medications (don't ask...), and even cod liver oil, without making the slightest fuss. On the contrary, she even gets excited by the word "medicine"!

3. We were telling Hannah that when she was three years old, she would have to stop using a pacifier (she only used it at night, but it was part of a highly rehearsed bedtime pattern). But when she nearly bit the tops off three pacifiers, we decided enough was enough. So no more pacifiers, and she doesn't seem to miss them. Having been repeatedly warned about soon not using, I think she was mentally prepared for this.

4. Another part of Hannah's bedtime routine was listening to a CD of lullabies. The same CD night after night for more than two years. Then suddenly she told us not to turn the music on. So it stopped about three months ago, and we have probably saved a few ringgit in electricity since then.

It certainly feels like our girl is growing up. I would like to say she is leaving the "terrible twos", but that would be wishful thinking. But who knows. Our next blog may well herald that next milestone.
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