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Friday, December 10, 2010

Trigger Happy

We've been slightly trigger happy this last week or so, and thought we'd share a few pics with you.

You might have noticed that our blog entries are now shorter and picture-packed to reflect the general sense of busyness in our household.

Our little sunshine enjoying a roll on her new playmat

What has the big sister been up to this school holidays?
This says it all:

Angel one moment...

... little imp the next!

Little Isabel continues to delight in everything surrounding her, and flashes her brilliant toothless grin ever so often

Things sure look different from up here!

Just in case we don't manage another blog before then...
Merry Christmas to one and all!

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Thursday, December 09, 2010

Feeding 101

One lazy weekend morning, on a particularly bad hair day, we decided to introduce little Miss Chubby Chubbs to...

The Spoon

"Whoa.... look at my new toy today!"

"Wonder what it does?!"

"Hey, you think it'll tame my hair a little?"

"Oh how boring... it goes in my mouth like everything else."

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mummy, look at me!

A week ago, a few days shy of turning 3 1/2 months old, I thought this was quite cool ....

Isabel sitting up with support

A few days later, I realised she could do this ...

Isabel sitting with minimal support, i.e. with mummy holding her right hand

Today, she decided to do this ...

Isabel sitting up without support!

Blink an eye and you'll miss a milestone.

Babies do grow so quickly ...

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Hannah came home with a surprise.

Taken at the end of the school year. At first glance a mugshot. In trouble with the teacher?

Quite the contrary. The writing actually says "BEST STUDENT IN CLASS: HANNAH WYLIE." Inside was three books.

And she celebrated with apple crumble and strawberry ice-cream. Yummy!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Sweet Baby

Isabel turned 3 months last week, and this was marked by yet another round of immunizations. She continues to feed and sleep well, and has an increasing fascination with her surroundings.
She flashes her brilliant smile more frequently, and responds to peek-a-boo games with an infectious laugh.

The past weeks have seen an unprecedented number of reunions with old friends - some last seen as roommates more than 15 years ago.
Familiar faces or not, our girls played the part of gracious hosts and were the perfect ice-breakers - not that we needed any!

Last month marked the first time mummy had not been paid in 8 long years. She is thoroughly enjoying her no-pay-leave but admits that being a housewife is not for the fainthearted.

The true test will be when Hannah starts her school holidays in November and will be at home 24/7.

The sisters continue to bond well, with Hannah playing the part of the elder doting sister perfectly.

Isabel is developing her own distinctive features, although a casual walk through the morning market still gets us comments such as: "She looks just like her sister!"

There are more adventures in store for this little family in the months ahead, including a drive to the highlands and a flight to meet more extended family members.

Watch this space for more updates...

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Days

The last 6 weeks have been busy for our little family. Here's an attempt to condense it all into a photo journey, beginning from where we last left off ...

You might remember Hannah's obsession with the airport, or more accurately, her little pink princess trolley bag. Since it would be quite a few months before we did take a real flight, we decided to repeat an outing to the airport.

Despite doing exactly the same thing previously, Hannah enjoyed herself tremendously. We caught sight of 2 air stewardesses enjoying a break in the cafeteria, and they were sufficiently charmed by our 4-year-old to oblige to an impromptu photo session.

Next, we were off to Port Dickson, a little beach resort just over an hour from Kuala Lumpur, also Cindy's hometown. We met and thanked all our friends who had sent gifts to Isabel and had a lovely time catching up with them.

Hannah spent the weekend building sand castles and getting sandfly bites! Thankfully only the adults succumbed to a week-long of agonising itchy spots, while Hannah miraculously escaped with mere red spots.

The following weekend marked another "first" for Hannah - her first speech in front of a crowd in a hotel ballroom! It was her kindergarten's annual concert and Hannah was given the task to deliver an introductory spiel for her class' performance.

A born performer, Hannah delivered her little speech flawlessly and proceeded to participate in 2 dances with the rest of her classmates. Snapshots of the day can be seen here.

Later in the week, Cindy and the girls had to sort out their passports. Despite capacity crowds at the immigration department, we were pleasantly surprised to sort out all 3 passports in about 3 hours, including queuing time!

However, 3 hours is still a long time for a little baby. Isabel decided to shut out all the noise around her and dozed off when nap time came. With her impressive ability to sleep anywhere, almost anytime, in any position, Isabel has all the makings of an efficient junior doctor.

And then, finally, the EVENT OF THE YEAR...


The final week leading up to the wedding was packed with last minute shopping trips, errands and rehearsals for the special day. Hannah worked herself into a state of excitement, anticipating the day she would be the flower girl for her Uncle John.

Hannah thoroughly enjoyed her day as a "princess", and even enjoyed a costume change to her "golden gown" for the evening's celebrations. Isabel still managed to sleep through much of the day's fanfare, but handled the evening less well.

Anyone familiar with a Chinese wedding dinner knows what a long drawn affair the 8-course-meal is. The meal started past 8pm and went on to 11pm. Amazingly, Hannah kept up her dazzling smile throughout the evening and has received tentative requests for future flower girl duties, pending parental approval.

Our Cinderellas were home and tucked into bed before midnight, while the parents thankfully collapsed in bed shortly after, in an exhausted post-adrenaline state.

We are looking forward to the next few weekends spent quietly at home, although events and outings have a habit of springing on us unexpectedly.

We leave you now with a few snapshots of how much Isabel has grown over the weeks ...

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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Gifts Galore

Even before the arrival of Isabel we were giving and receiving gifts. The sisters' birthdays are merely 2 days apart, and from a previous blog we mentioned that Hannah had pre-birthday celebrations.

We have all heard about sibling rivalry, and were particularly concerned about sibling jealousy, since newborns are notoriously time consuming. Even with Hannah's eagerness to be an older sister, there was a feeling that it could all go pear-shaped if she felt her position in the family was being usurped by the new addition.

So, to prevent Hannah from looking like this when Isabel inevitably became the centre of attention,

we had a steady stream of presents ready to make sure Hannah didn't feel left out:

Having inherited her father's penchant for LEGO, Hannah was absolutely enamoured by her new Thomas the Tank Engine set. She can easily spend an hour playing with her Duplo sets, which gives us the breathing space we sometimes need.

Of course it helped that friends were thoughtfully giving presents to Isabel AND Hannah. Here's a lovely clay model set that required a lot of input from Daddy!

Isabel, on the other hand, was expectedly oblivious to the fuss her arrival had created. After 4 weeks of eating, sleeping, excreting and possetting, Isabel celebrated her "Full Moon" in her grandparents house with minimal fanfare.

Here's our little baby grasping Gong Gong's "Ang Pow", embodying his blessings for her to have continued good health and growth.

It would be impossible to include pictures of all the gifts the girls received, but we simply had to say we are mightily impressed by the beautiful gift-wrapping skills displayed,

which Hannah clinically destroyed in seconds, of course.

We were taught as children to remove wrappers carefully so as to re-use them, but these days children are encouraged to enjoy ripping off the very same beautiful wrappers. Thankfully we've managed to immortalize some of these creations digitally.

Special mention goes to our friends from PD who somehow managed to organise themselves and bought us this McLaren rocker, which Isabel has gradually settled herself into.

No less gratitude goes to all our friends (& family) for your cards, ang pows, diapers, books, toys and clothing. We truly appreciate your effort and thoughtfulness.

This is one girl who feels very welcomed to our world indeed.

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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Isabel's Dedication Service

Last Sunday was Isabel's dedication service. As always, we will tell the story with pictures...

This was the dress rehearsal a day before Isabel's "Big Day".

We ditched the hairband since she was at risk of looking like a mini version of Scary Spice. A lovely hairband - but I've never quite figured out how to use those on babies with unruly hair.

Here's the scaled-down version of Isabel with her beautiful elder sister.

Will there be boy-trouble in 10 year's time?

Our church Elder conducted the service with little Hannah getting progressively bored and restless. In the end, she didn't do too badly for a 4-year-old who is usually full of beans.

Our retired pastor delivered the sermon for the day, which was a biblical and practical presentation of parenting for today. The dedication service itself was a meaningful time as we took pledges to guide and nurture young Isabel in the way of the Lord.

A regular feature at all major church events - TP's creations! The painstaking effort taken to make each of her cakes is truly admirable.

The day was over before we knew it. A big thank you to our family and church friends for being a part of the special day. Thank you for all the lovely presents - that will need some mention in another blog!

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Similar Yet Different

We often get asked if Isabel is like her sister Hannah. Our family can't quite give a definite answer, so we will leave the decision to you...

Hannah at Day 2

Isabel at Day 4

Would you say their features are alike? Perhaps. However, the sisters are like night and day as far as their infant habits go.

Here's a slightly painful memory of what we went through with Hannah.

Taken at day 8, we were already experimenting with the "Tiger in the Trunk" carrying position, thought to reduce colic in infants. Thankfully we were also 4 years younger, and staying with grandparents who could share out the burden of calming a screaming baby for at least 2 hours every evening.

Hannah at 8 days

Isabel seems a calmer person, with occasional unsettled evenings, but nothing quite as dramatic as our darling firstborn.

Isabel at week 1

Daughter number 2 sleeps beautifully most nights, waking up only once or twice for feeds, then swiftly dropping off back to a peaceful slumber.

Having braced ourselves for Hannah-like colic attacks, we could hardly believe that we were getting decent hours of sleep right from day one.

But of course, looking after a baby is still exhausting work, but for everyone?!

The BOTTLE was our next battle with Hannah. Both girls were introduced to a bottle of expressed milk at about week 4 to give mummy a bit of a life.

Hannah, being in general a very intense (shall I just say fussy?) baby, screamed murder for a long time before succumbing to the charms of her experienced grandmother.


Certain that Isabel would go through the same anguish, we were again pleasantly surprised our little angel took to the bottle at the first attempt, after making a few faces.


Surely we have learnt by now that Isabel is nothing like Hannah, even if they do resemble each other.

What is YOUR verdict?