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Monday, October 30, 2006

Hannah's Best Friend

This month, Hannah was hit by the travel bug and spent many many hours in the car, including a long ride to the Cameron Highlands (almost four hours) and a recent day-trip to Cindy's hometown of Port Dickson.

We discovered the key to surviving those long car rides - the indispensable presence of Hannah's best friend. Shall we then introduce you to.... MR.BUMBLE BEE!!!

Who knows how and why he manages to have such a predictable effect on the little girl. Without fail, her grumpy face breaks out into smiles and squeals of delight will follow when the cheery friend makes an appearance.

Interestingly, Hannah has also developed the ability to 'talk' to humans and inanimate objects alike. This was much to our delight when we were dining at a particularly posh (and quiet) restaurant and little Hannah was beginning to act up. Thankfully, she made friends with a wall lamp and proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes having a one-way conversation.

Looks like she's well on her way to having imaginary friends! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Goodbye Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie Sam.

Chris's family have just left Malaysia after a few weeks' holiday here. It has been a wonderful opportunity for Hannah to bond with her paternal family: Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Sam. Hannah will miss all of you, as will her Mummy and Daddy. Thanks for all your love and support. I will let Hannah make a few comments on this collection of memories:

"Tell me another nursery rhyme, Grandpa!"

"I'm having a bad hair day, Auntie Sam. It must be this damp Cameron Highlands climate. Any recommendations?"

"Thanks for the comfy place to sleep, Grandma."

"Why did that man say 'Cheese'? And why is everyone smiling at that flashing light? Sigh. Is it time to go home yet, Mummy?"

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Grandpa's Gift


Little Hannah, angel sweet,
Tiny hands and tiny feet,
Big brown eyes so clear and bright,
Staring sweetly, such delight.

Little Hannah, try to smile,
Showing off your winning style,
Everyone just loves to see
They all think ‘that smile’s for me!’

Little Hannah, crying now,
Why do you make such a row?
Is it time for your next feed,
Or is it something else you need?

Little Hannah, close your eyes,
Time to rest before you rise,
Dreaming softly, thoughts so pure,
Not a worry to endure.

Little Hannah, loved by all,
Little bundle cute and small,
Your doting parents thank the Lord,
You really are a gift from God.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Guests for dinner

Last Sunday, we enjoyed the company of Carol and Tony. They flew 6000 miles, along with Chris's parents, to have a holiday in Malaysia. Here we are at a Chinese restaurant not far from our house.

And here they are in Langkawi with my parents. "We hope you had a great holiday. Thanks for visiting, and see you again - in either England or Malaysia!" Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 09, 2006

Dedication Service

Sometimes it seems as though we have endless occassions to shine the spotlight on our baby. Here's yet another one!

After Hannah turned 2 months old, we had what was perhaps the most important event in our baby's young life. Just days after the arrival of Grandpa and Grandma, our church held a dedication service for Hannah.

Standing before the church, parents and grandparents pledged to raise the little one in the way of the Lord. In response, the congregation declared their readiness to support and help the parents along as we nuture this precious little soul.

Hannah was somewhat bemused by all the attention, but managed to be on her best behaviour. Grabbing the minister's tie during a long prayer was the only distracting behaviour she displayed, but hey, shouldn't your eyes be closed?!

A rare photo opportunity for the two families. Although little guess work is needed to tell apart the Teohs from the Wylies, it is interesting to note that the entire Teoh family wears glasses, with the exception of my sister-in-law, who isn't a 'Teoh' to start with anyway. How about Hannah?

We were a little concerned that the day would be too long for Hannah. A catered lunch was arranged for after the service, so everyone stayed on till the early afternoon. Not too long ago (about a month), we had quite an unforgettable experience dealing with a grumpy baby during her Full Moon celebration.

So, we were all pleasantly surprised when little Hannah spent most of the time doing this:

A quick word of thanks to our church family for being our pillars of support throughout the (sometimes) difficult pregnancy till today. Hannah is truly blessed to have so many 'godparents'!

Acknowledgements are also due to the photographers who produced these beautiful snapshots, as well as the talented cakemaker (AND mother of three) who continually churns out such amazing works of art. If you are impressed, check out more at

Finally, dear Hannah, we commend you to the Lord:

"To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and for everymore! Amen"
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sneak Preview

It's been about two weeks since we've seen any action on this blogsite. We are both up to our necks with work - Cindy has been slapped with alternate day calls this week and Chris has been juggling work in two different departments.

To keep our loyal readers happy till the weekend (when we'll hopefully have more time to write), here are a couple of pictures to whet your appetite for our next post.

Hannah has recently discovered her two hands (and the furry attachments). She can spend minutes staring at it - a pretty long time for a small baby!

What can we look forward to in the coming posts?

Well, we've recently introduced two important people to Hannah - Grandma and Grandpa from England! There was also Hannah's Dedication service last Sunday, not to mention her aunt's arrival AND her first holiday away in the week to come.

Too much happening, too little time. Posted by Picasa