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Monday, October 09, 2006

Dedication Service

Sometimes it seems as though we have endless occassions to shine the spotlight on our baby. Here's yet another one!

After Hannah turned 2 months old, we had what was perhaps the most important event in our baby's young life. Just days after the arrival of Grandpa and Grandma, our church held a dedication service for Hannah.

Standing before the church, parents and grandparents pledged to raise the little one in the way of the Lord. In response, the congregation declared their readiness to support and help the parents along as we nuture this precious little soul.

Hannah was somewhat bemused by all the attention, but managed to be on her best behaviour. Grabbing the minister's tie during a long prayer was the only distracting behaviour she displayed, but hey, shouldn't your eyes be closed?!

A rare photo opportunity for the two families. Although little guess work is needed to tell apart the Teohs from the Wylies, it is interesting to note that the entire Teoh family wears glasses, with the exception of my sister-in-law, who isn't a 'Teoh' to start with anyway. How about Hannah?

We were a little concerned that the day would be too long for Hannah. A catered lunch was arranged for after the service, so everyone stayed on till the early afternoon. Not too long ago (about a month), we had quite an unforgettable experience dealing with a grumpy baby during her Full Moon celebration.

So, we were all pleasantly surprised when little Hannah spent most of the time doing this:

A quick word of thanks to our church family for being our pillars of support throughout the (sometimes) difficult pregnancy till today. Hannah is truly blessed to have so many 'godparents'!

Acknowledgements are also due to the photographers who produced these beautiful snapshots, as well as the talented cakemaker (AND mother of three) who continually churns out such amazing works of art. If you are impressed, check out more at

Finally, dear Hannah, we commend you to the Lord:

"To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and for everymore! Amen"
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Anonymous said...

It looks like the caucasian gene is stronger!

C&C said...

Ah, but you should see her using chopsticks ;-)

dezy said...

Whose eyes does she try to poke out?

I'm actually at a loss on how to teach (or when to) Ben to use chopsticks!