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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

New Sermons

If you ever browse the sermon list on this page, you might be thinking I've stopped preaching. Truth is, I just got lazy with updating the list.

You can now find 5 more recent sermons in the list. And by the end of 2011, there should be 2 more as well.

On the topic of preaching, let me share a couple of quotes I have found helpful recently.

In answer to the question "What is preaching?", Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones wrote:
"Logic on fire!...Preaching is theology coming through a man who is on fire."

And along similar lines, R.C. Sproul writes:
"Preaching calls forth an emotional response. It is not merely an exercise in the transfer of information. The pulpit is the setting for drama. The gospel itself is dramatic...To communicate the gospel dramatically is to fit the preaching with the content. Dispassionate preaching is a lie. It denies the content it conveys."

Quotes like these help remind me how different preaching is to teaching - and how important it is to know the difference!