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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hannah at seven weeks

What's on your mind Hannah?

Hannah's first smile on camera

What do you think she is dreaming about?
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Anonymous said...

Hannah looks lovely. You are doing so well. Must be a nightmare having to be a parent in such hot weather. I lose it when it goes over 25 degrees!

C&C said...

It was an encouragement to see her gaining significant weight at the last visit to the Paediatrician. Always important for a first-time-breastfeeding mother!

Funny that I was wondering a few days ago, how to dress her for winter if we go back for Christmas! Can't even get nice jumpers here. Or maybe I just don't know where to find them. Irrelevant at this point anyway.

Anonymous said...

dont wory we have girls clothes for every season and eery size, can send you a few

Anonymous said...

Your Hannah is getting cuter with every pic!

Anonymous said...

Looking at the arm action in the sleeping pic, I can conclude that her dreams are either of

a) weightlifting


b) goal-scoring celebrations.

Both of which I know will go down well with the parents!