The brain is a curious and complex organ, with much left for scientists to unravel and comprehend. Experts say that human beings unconsciously store memories of their experiences as early as the first few months of life in the womb, triggering off a mini-explosion of commercial ventures aimed at producing future little Einsteins.
We won't argue about that for now.
Among some of my earliest memories are that of my older brothers having a fight and breaking my first hairband; crawling into that very same brother's bed in the middle of the night during a particularly bad thunderstorm; having a 'black and green' apple computer; witnessing the death and funeral of our first family dog etc.
For some strange reason, I remember watching a monkey eating a banana. We were in a park and I was absolutely terrified of those vicious monkeys who were known to snatch cameras and scratch over-friendly visitors. Despite several notices advising visitors not to feed the monkeys, many still did. One monkey ventured near us and boldly grabbed the banana offered to it.
It was fascinating to observe the process: the monkey flipped the banana the wrong side up, bit off the black end, swiftly peeled the banana and gulped it down in a couple of mouthfuls.
I remember thinking, was that the right way to peel a banana? Could it be that we humans have been peeling bananas the wrong way for centuries?
Not the most profound question in the world, but nonetheless that image stayed with me all these years.
So, it was a sort of deja vu when Hannah got her hands on a whole banana for the first time (we normally peel and cut it up in manageable chunks). Being the stubborn toddler that she is now, Hannah refused to surrender and proceeded to figure out the best way to eat it.
Since she hasn't had too much conditioning, could it be that Hannah would show us the right way to eat a banana and solve my inner turmoil once and for all?
Oh mommy, do you really have to follow me around all the time with that camera? Enough already.
Right, let's see. This doesn't look too tasty. How do I get to the goo-ey stuff inside?
There we go. Easy-peasy.
Oh, this is taking too long. I reckon this is the best way to do it. Watch and learn, mommy!
Ten minutes later, our young warrior tosses aside the carcass of her prey and walks away triumphant - with banana mush down the front of her dress and all over her face and hands.
Looks like I'll be sticking to my way for a while.
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