At least that was what we tried to convince Hannah it was.
Last Friday, Hannah made her first visit back to the clinic for some measurements and several immunization jabs. It was heart-wrenching to see her sweet face crumple as the smiling nurse plunged the needle deep into her thigh. No wonder she warned me to “hold your baby tight”. Nothing could calm poor Hannah when the procedure was repeated on the other thigh.
On the flip side, the trip was an enjoyable one for Po Po(grandmother) and Mummy. Among the sea of Malay, Chinese and Indian babies, Hannah’s features stood out prominently. Hannah was proudly paraded by Po Po as she went round chatting to other mothers and grandmothers, no doubt comparing weight and length measurements. We even met a happy mother of triplets, who amazingly had no signs of sleep-deprivation or post-natal depression!
We happily concluded that not only was Hannah a healthy, chubby baby, she also had the lustiest cry in the room. Not a plus point at 2 o’clock in the morning, but according to an American expert, such “high demand” babies eventually grow up to be sensitive, people-centred adults. After all, the age-old adage teaches us to view the cup as half full, not half empty. We can only hope so.
Thankfully, we seldom hear Hannah’s cries at 2am these days. For the first time, our little baby slept a solid 6 ½ hours last week, which we consider almost as good as “sleeping through the night”.
Armed with the knowledge that Hannah can sleep through a 5-6 hour stretch, we now face each night with a little less fear and dread. Although waking up at 6am each morning might seem like a drag for some, it works out perfectly for us – we both leave for work before 7am anyway!

Obviously this doesn't apply to Hannah and I.
Last week I was away for 2 half-days, attending a work-related conference. It was the first time Hannah was separated from Mummy for more than 2 hours, AND took 2 consecutive bottle feeds.
Now, so what, you might ask. Any breastfeeding mother will tell you how difficult it is to settle Baby with a bottle in the early days. Hannah had refused the bottle outright on several occasions, and Po Po was stuck with the job of babysitting alone on the first day I was away.
How did we fare?
Mummy: Anxious and jumpy throughout the talks and seminars. Could not concentrate on conversations with colleagues. Wished she had pictures of Baby with her. Resisted urge to call home every 15 minutes. Left conference early on both days! Diagnosis: Moderate case of Separation Anxiety
Baby: Screamed and fussed during feeding time, but eventually finished both feeds due to the coaxing skills of Po Po. Otherwise no outright display of missing Mummy. Diagnosis: Who can read the mind of this little one?
In a week’s time, both of us will be put to the test when I finally go back to work and start doing night calls. It’s a little sad to think I have less than a week of solid time with my baby. We’ll just have to enjoy our weekends together, IF I’m not on call that is. Sigh.
Last week we also received a group of “aunties” who travelled from as far as Melaka (2-hour car ride) to visit us. After listening to their words of wisdom, I can only say this to Hannah: “Aren't you thankful Mummy is not Aunty Wendy, otherwise you’d be left crying in your cot during nap times – no rocking or cuddling; or Aunty Betty, who would force you to drink your own urine to get rid of those milk stains on your tongue; or Aunty Alice, who stuck a piece of tissue on your forehead to stop your awful hiccups.
That’s not to say Mummy has got it all perfectly right either. We just try to do what we think is the best for you, Hannah.”