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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

What a week!

It is hard to express what it is like to have a new girl in your life(!), but let me do what I can with simple phrases and pictures:

Sleep, open eyes, sleep, drink milk, sleep, dirty nappy, sleep,...

Hannah suddenly seems years older.

How do you fold cloth diapers again?

Isabel's race: British or Chinese???

Have we taken as many pictures as we did with Hannah?

Beautiful soft skin.

Black hair.

Enough words - now take a look at Isabel's 1st week in photos here:

Isabel's First Week


James said...

Fantastic photos.

I want another one now!!!

C&C said...

Why not? And limited experience tells me the 2nd time is a lot easier!

Vovi said...

Haha!Chris,British or Chinese?Our two girls are definitely IndoMesia. Thanks to Zulaikha's idea of self-identity at age 3!

C&C said...

Bizarrely, at the registration office, I was only given two choices of race (not nationality) for Isabel: British atau Cina. Not even Lain-lain. Macam mana??