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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

At the zoo again!

What do you do when your school is closed because of H1N1? Go to the zoo!

On monday morning, the first day of my week off work at BC, I drove Hannah to school to be greeted by masked teachers giving out letters explaining that the school was shut for a week due to a child having H1N1. Time to rethink my week off.

Well, by Wednesday I managed to muster the energy to get Hannah and myself to Zoo Negara for a morning of animal magic. It didn't seem very long since our last trip here, but it was well over a year ago. That time, Hannah called everything "cows" and "ducks". This time her vocabulary was very much expanded. But she was still only really keen to see a select few animals: giraffes, lions, tigers and flamigos. Go figure...

When all is said and done, it was a fun morning out and Hannah was tired enough to take her nap without a fuss when we got home. Well worth the effort, I say.

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