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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

...or as Han said in church today, an 'afterthought' to Mother's Day!

Well, Hannah didn't forget her Daddy today. Chris got a rather handy book, in preparation for our new apartment (should be ready by early 2008 - click here for a link to an old blog on the apartment). In case you can't make out the title in the picture, it is "Home Improvement 101" (from Black & Decker, no less!)

So the gauntlet has been thrown down, it would seem, for Daddy to ensure the new apartment is inhabitable. But as Chris happily pointed out to his wife, to avoid any hint of sexism, most of the pictures in the book are of women wielding spanners, screwdrivers, drills and the like. Even the front cover features a woman with a paint roller. Ah, yes. Equality of the sexes. Let's not forget that when we get our new apartment. ;-)

Ok, let's finish this one with a call to all 'Fathers' reading this - post a comment with YOUR Father's Day gift and we'll see if we can spot any trends...

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C&C said...

With no comments, I'm beginning to think most other fathers out there were hard done by and I was actually highly blessed to even get a DIY book!

Count your blessings, Chris.

Well, do get in touch if you have a blocked toilet, or damp patches on your walls, or you just need to change a lightbulb...

Brian & Chloe said...

quite right, Brian did manage to recieve a card but that was it. We dont want to go over the top now do we. In fact I dont think he got a birthday present either (nor did I) We are not a very celebratory family. We have to remember very hard to celebrate the girls birhtdays!

C&C said...

Well there you go.

"Fathers of the world, unite!"

Anyone interested in forming a union? I am already a member of MAFIA (Men Against Female Insults and Abuse). Maybe we could start DADDY (Dads Against Disparity, Discrimination and Yapping). Here, of course, yapping carries the 2nd meaning found in the Oxford dictionary: '(slang) talk noisily and foolishly.' Well, I had to find SOMETHING beginning with 'Y'

Applications for membership to the usual address.

Brian & Chloe said...

I dont understand you make it sound like I discriminate against Brian. I dont. We just dont celebrate anyones birthday round here male or female wiht the exception that we did once celebrtate Rubies. Brian is not hard done by, dont feel too sorry for him. and I dont insult him either or abuse him, how did you get that from my comment? I will endevor to make and effort for his upcomming 30th just to show you we can.