Here is our little bundle of joy: Hannah Wylie, born on 30th July 2006 at 4:58pm.
She weighs 3.3kg, measures 50cm in length and has the longest fingers/arms/legs/toes you have ever seen on a new-born! Now Mummy knows why Hannah has been kicking so much...
...speaking of whom, Cindy went to the University Hospital, PJ, at 9am and by 5pm it was all over. No epidural. A lot of pain. Right now she is trying to sleep in the hospital, while Hannah cries to be fed every 30 minutes! The joys of parenthood are already becoming apparent.
Congratulations Chris and Cindy! Look forward to more photos on your blog...
Congratulations, Mummy and Daddy!! Welcome to the world Hannah!!!!
Congratulations and welcome to the world of parenthood.
Take care Cindy.
Congratulatiosn on the arrival of your bundle of joy! She looks angelic and peaceful there. May your life be filled with her sweet laughter always.
Congratulations to Cindy and Chris for the new addition in the family. She looks so angelic in the photo. May your days be filled with her sweet laughter/gurgle always!
Praise God for the safe arrival of baby Hannah !
Both mommy and daddy must be over the moon right now. We are very happy to see another "cross culture " beautiful baby added to the list. She is such a cutie. Mind you her fingers are indeed "long".
Congratulations to you both !
Lots of love
Sandy, Philip and Zoey
Thanks everyone. Let's hope she doesn't just LOOK angelic, but lives up to her looks!
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