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Sunday, May 06, 2012

Double Vision

Alright, let's end the debate once and for all. The girls DO NOT look alike. Really, they don't.

Or do they?


You can tell we are an environment-friendly family ... we reuse and recycle!

Each set of pictures were taken at similar ages, and it's fairly clear who is who. If you really need a hint, look at the hair.

No prizes for guessing correctly, since it's pretty obvious anyway, right?

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Three Weddings and a Really Smelly Fruit

Updating this blog seems like an impossible task, not when life seems to run at full throttle,well, pretty much all the time. We can only offer snapshots of the year before, fully realizing this year is almost half gone.

There seemed to be a flurry of weddings in the last quarter of 2011, which meant opportunities to dress up the little angels. Here's one at Adrian's wedding last September:

... and about a week later at a Malay wedding. 

Hannah asked:" Is that the King and the Queen?!"

Well, for the day, I suppose.

About a month later, we were on a road trip to the land of chicken rice & taugeh - Ipoh. This time, we were attending yet another old university friend's wedding.

 It seems slightly rude to post pictures of the girls and not the people we were meant to be celebrating with, so here's a collage of old friends and new:

And finally, something totally irrelevant to what we've been talking about...

Isabel loves durian!!!

And why the sudden change of topic? Who knows. It's whacky Sunday, a kind of prelude to the Monday blues we're all meant to have. Perhaps if we keep up this pace of blogging, we'll catch up before Christmas comes round again.

Have a great week ahead everyone!