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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Has it been 2 months?

So much has happened in the last couple of months - our trip back to the UK, a short visit to Barcelona, recovering from jet lag, gearing up for a new school year, plunging back into our challenging workplaces, weaning Isabel, battling virulent strains of flu, and right now, enjoying the festive mood of Chinese New Year.

Since it is impossible to cover all that in a single blog, let us first journey back to December...

Our little family packed our bags and left sunny Malaysia for winter wonderland. While we were longing for some respite from the hot and humid weather at home, we were not exactly prepared for the coldest winter in Europe for the last couple of decades.

Thanks to family and friends who helpfully loaned warm clothing to the girls, they looked suitably (and fashionably) dressed in jumpers, tights and anything else that could keep our tropical babes warm in sub-zero temperatures.
Even Hannah got over her initial excitement of building snowmen rather quickly, when she discovered what a bitterly cold and numbing affair it could be.

We managed a trip to Barcelona to visit Aunty Sam, and discovered that 10 degree celsius could actually feel "warm". It was here that we first soaked in the atmosphere of a Christmas market, gazed in awe at the marvellous works of architectural geniuses, and where Hannah was touched by an angel...

Obviously the pride of Barcelona, Gaudi's influence on the landscape of the city was apparent and no tourist could possibly leave without visiting one of his landmarks or taking at least a hundred snapshots of his curious buildings.

Another highlight of our trip was visiting a popular cafe selling churros, a delightful fried dough snack dipped in hot chocolate. Did you know however, that this creation is really a modified version of the Chinese You Tiao, first introduced in Portugal during the Ming Dynasty?

We bade farewell to the friendly city, narrowly escaped an airport closure and landed back in England amidst heavy snowfall. Soon it was time to gear up for ...

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Aside from receiving enough presents to last a year, the girls had an enjoyable time getting to know the extended family. Here's Hannah with her 2nd cousins...

... who might well be Isabel's future babysitters!

It was a wonderful trip home that ended all too soon. It will be a long time before we wish for a white Christmas - simply too cold to handle.

A parting smile for now from our cheerful darling, until we find time to blog again...

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