I say Daddy's perspective as I suspect Cindy will want to write something in the days to come, although I hope she has more positive reflections than 4 years ago: (http://cindychris.blogspot.com/2006/08/hannahs-birth-story_115571046881389819.html and http://cindychris.blogspot.com/2006/08/admission-it-has-begun-when-we-reached.html
and http://cindychris.blogspot.com/2006/08/too-late-for-regrets-at-2pm-male.html)
and http://cindychris.blogspot.com/2006/08/too-late-for-regrets-at-2pm-male.html)
First of all I am struck by God's goodness yesterday. His provision, his protection, his gift of life.
Actually things really began 8pm on Tuesday 27th July. Cindy felt her contractions were getting worse. Hannah was already asleep so thankfully Cindy's parents could come over and stay with her while we went to hospital.
Cindy was admitted at Prince Court Medical Centre at about 10pm. Bupa medical insurance has proved to be a real blessing! And the midwife/staff nurse was a wonderfully gentle and professional lady that Cindy had met on a previous visit and had already hoped would attend to her.
We watched repeated news stories on the Astro BBC news channel in the labour room, until…
…things got serious at 1am on Wednesday 28th. By 2:06am it was all over. I got to be present at the birth unlike last time. It was amazing, and I'm so glad I could be there. Very emotional, especially seeing Cindy go through so much pain. But the minute the baby came out my heart couldn't help but leap for joy and give thanks to our Creator God.
Our first impression of Isabel was how much she looked like Hannah at birth. And yet how quiet she was! She slept much of the first night peacefully.
We stayed the rest of the night in what can only be described as a hotel room. With a 5 star view.
By the morning, everything was so good that Cindy requested to be discharged that evening. The paediatrician and obstetrician were both happy with mother and baby so they agreed.
In the afternoon Cindy's parents brought Hannah to see her baby sister. Finally, Hannah is a true jie-jie.
We were home by 8:30pm. Less than 24 hours after we left home! And Isabel (and parents) slept VERY well. And if that doesn't deserve thanking God for, I'm not sure what does :-)
In the afternoon Cindy's parents brought Hannah to see her baby sister. Finally, Hannah is a true jie-jie.
We were home by 8:30pm. Less than 24 hours after we left home! And Isabel (and parents) slept VERY well. And if that doesn't deserve thanking God for, I'm not sure what does :-)