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Monday, April 20, 2009

Love Affairs

Cliche as it may sound, we often appreciate what we have only when it's gone.
In our case, it's precious s p a c e
So, in anticipation of our loss, we had to snap a few pictures to remind us what it was...
... and what it is now!

Music has always been a love of my life and an utterly inseparable companion as I was growing up. Be it playing instruments, singing, dancing and even acting in musical productions, music always featured prominently and probably provided the necessary balance to the seemingly relentless academic pursuits we were subjected to.

So, it is with great joy that I announce my reunion to an old friend...

Now, the task at hand is to find all my old books (including a set of Bach's Preludes and Fugues I was meant to work through; doubt I can do that now) and ensuring Hannah doesn't destroy the piano before she is old enough for lessons.

Hannah, on the other hand, has other interests at heart.

Having both inherited a little bit of Po Po's blood in our veins, mother and daughter have discovered the joys of baking! Specifically, cupcakes.

For all her hyperactivity, Hannah manages to spend at least a couple of minutes each time in front of the oven inspecting her work of art evolve into something yummy.

Life has certainly become more interesting.
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