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Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Michael!

On Sunday, Hannah attended her first birthday party (apart from her own!). It was at "Kidz Sports & Gym" in Great Eastern Mall. Michael was 3 years old. Sorry, Michael, we didn't get a picture with you in it!

Although Hannah probably had no idea she was at a birthday party, she did have a good time. Lots of space to run around, lots of brightly coloured balls to play with, lots of soft mats everywhere, lots of happy children running around. Oh, and air-con.

However, being less than 2 years old, a couple of features of children's birthday parties didn't agree with her:
1) Organised games involving bigger kids. Too confusing and scary.
2) Party food. Fries and nuggets just don't do it for Hannah. So we resorted to sharing the parent's food with her - White rice and curry! That's our Hannah. But she did manage some birthday cake and fruit.

So what should we do for hannah's 2nd birthday in July? Will she be ready for some serious partying?!?!
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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Hannah's first drawing?

(Daddy would like to confess to adding the pink 'flowers', all in the spirit of encouraging Hannah to express her own creativity.)
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Monday, April 07, 2008

A Survey of Isaiah

Talk about a mammoth topic for a sermon... And it turned into a mammoth sermon! Apologies to those who sat through 1 hour 7 minutes of my voice on Sunday.

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Next up will probably be a survey of Jeremiah, but before you run for the hills I promise to find a way of making it shorter ;-)